How ‘The Price Is Right’ helped Leach choose team captain


There were two things you could always say about Mike Leach. 

The first was that he did things in his own, unique way. The second was that you never knew what you were going to get from him when somebody stuck a microphone in his face and asked him a question. 

Those two things met at one amazing confluence in 2016 when he discussed choosing Washington State running back Jamal Morrow as his team captain.

This was one of his most fascinating and hilarious moments.

It was during a Week 8 news conference that year when he revealed Morrow’s performance on the TV game show “The Price Is Right: was the main reason he named him team captain.


Leach, who died Monday, explained that choosing a team captain was an inexact science, and all the team captain had to do was call heads or tails for the coin toss. He was so impressed with Morrow’s luck on “The Price Is Right” that he decided to give him the task of handling the weekly coin flip, and in Leach’s words, he won that coin toss quite often.  

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