Tal Berman, a presenter on Channel 13 TV, recently hosted Yonatan, a survivor of the tragic massacre near Kibbutz Re’im, on his show. Yonatan courageously performed a song he had written, describing the harrowing experiences he faced while escaping the dreadful event. His poignant performance deeply moved Berman, leaving him tearful and momentarily speechless during the live broadcast.
הדמעות זולגות מעצמן: טל ברמן מתפרק ומפרק בשידור אתמול ברשת 13, אחרי שיונתן כהן, שניצל מהטבח במסיבה, הגיע לשיר באולפן pic.twitter.com/sdjZPeA03U
— Raz Shechnik (@RazShechnik) November 13, 2023
טל ברמןמרגש כל כךאמיתי כל כך@talberman (וגם אוהד את הקבוצה הנכונה יש לציין) pic.twitter.com/Fs3mTuh0s7
— Black Bird ✊ (@Blackbird2093) November 12, 2023
“You give me strength”
Yonatan acknowledged the challenge in articulating the unimaginable horrors he had endured. He admitted that words and illustrations fell short in depicting what he had seen. “What I saw with my own eyes is beyond comprehension. But we stand together,” he consoled Berman. Appreciating Yonatan’s resilience, Berman expressed his gratitude, remarking, “You give me strength in this moment.”