WATCH: Indonesian glass bridge shatters, endangering tourists


A tourist plunged to his death when the transparent glass flooring of a bridge in Indonesia shattered above the forest.

Earlier this week, 11 tourists were walking on a transparent walkway made of glass, about nine meters high, supported by giant gold structures. However, as they crossed the bridge, the glass panels suddenly broke under their feet, causing four people to fall to the ground.

Two tourists fell, two held onto the bridge

Two of them landed in the Limpakuwus pine forest, resulting in one fatality and one reported minor injury.

The remaining two tourists managed to hold onto the bridge railing. Fellow travelers who witnessed the incident captured footage of the two stranded tourists desperately clinging to the bridge, avoiding the broken glass panels. The local police have initiated an investigation and closed the bridge as a crime scene.

This is not the first time that safety concerns have been raised regarding the bridge. In April, when the bridge initially opened, the chairman of the Pine Forest Cooperative requested a safety assessment.

This request came after social media users expressed worries about the bridge’s safety; approximately 5% of visitors to the bridge uploaded posts complaining about issues they encountered.


The forest, which is managed separately from the bridge, is also closed while the local police investigate the incident.

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