The Air Car | WordlessTech


The air car is a flying car concept with an ultra-light carbon monocoque incorporating four rotatable Rolls-Royce jet engines.

Pierpaolo Lazzarini‘s air car measuring 6 meters in length, can fly at 750 km/h powered by Rolls-Royce jet engines.

Each jet engine can independently adjust its inclination and rotation, guaranteeing stability and high maneuverability.

The Air Car (11)

Due to the inclination/rotation of the jet engines the air car maneuver on variable heights and inclines its trim depending on the cruising speed needs.

The Air Car (10)

It can accommodate 1 pilot and 3 passengers with an estimated top speed of 750 Km/h for an estimated autonomy of 1200 kilometers (jet fuel).


The Air Car (9)

The Air Car (8)

The Air Car (7)

The Air Car (6)

The Air Car (5)

The Air Car (4)

The Air Car (3)

The Air Car (2)

The Air Car (1)

Images credit Pierpaolo Lazzarini

source Pierpaolo Lazzarini


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