It’s possible you were paying close attention to Tessa’s fits, which Michael — who, as you probably know, makes his directing debut with Creed III — had a surprising hand in influencing.
During a recent appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Tessa revealed that Michael weighed in on her outfit choices throughout the film’s production.
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“He has a say, of course, as the director, of anything that happens in the film,” she explained, “and he’s very specific about clothing, which I didn’t know.”
“We never disagreed about anything except for sometimes what shoes I would wear. He just has ideas about ladies’ fashion.”
Tessa also said that she wanted to wear all black for a scene to embrace her secret “goth” side — but Michael wasn’t having it.
“There was a party scene where I really wanted to wear…all black, because I’m secretly goth,” she said. “I never got to be in high school, so now I am.”
“And he was like, ‘No, no, no. You’re not gonna wear that.'”
Still, Tessa wasn’t mad about the call. “He was right in the end. He was,” she said. “I can admit when I’m wrong.”
Watch the entire interview here.