Our steadfast commitment to delivering justice to all those affected by atrocity crimes in Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia: UK statement at the UN Security Council


Let me begin our substantive remarks today by acknowledging the important milestones which have been reached during this reporting period.  The latest report confirms that all core crimes proceedings have now been completed.  In addition, all remaining fugitives in core crimes cases have now been accounted for.  We agree with President Gatti Santana that this therefore represents an historic moment for the Mechanism.  Its achievements to date are a concrete demonstration of what the international community can achieve when we work together to attain accountability. 

Having completed this important phase in its work, it is right that the Mechanism and this Council focus on the future.  As we heard from the principals today there is important work still to be done, including in assisting national authorities and in performing ongoing judicial functions.  We also welcome the important and necessary steps which the Mechanism has taken to streamline its remaining activities and ensure efficiency.  We are confident that the Mechanism will continue to focus on this in the future.

Mr. President, we remain concerned that despite this progress, obstacles remain.  In particular we call on Serbia to arrest and transfer Petar Jojić and Vjerica Radeta to the Mechanism following years of requests.

Moreover, in recent months we have seen an increase in ethno-national tensions in the Western Balkans, including the denial of international crimes by some senior political figures.  Denial of such crimes, particularly by those in positions of power, holds the region back from building the safe, stable and inclusive societies that its people deserve.

Finally, Mr President, the United Kingdom is proud of the role it continues to play in supporting the Mechanism, including through the enforcement of sentences and other forms of assistance. We take these responsibilities very seriously, including cooperating closely with both the Mechanism and the ICRC to ensure compliance with all applicable international standards. This assistance reflects our steadfast commitment to delivering justice to all those affected by atrocity crimes in Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia.

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