Israel Bonds surpasses $1 billion in investments amid wartime


Israel Bonds and its affiliates have successfully secured over $1 billion in bond investments from investors since October 7, they announced on Thursday. This substantial influx of funds has not only bolstered Israel’s economy but also propelled Israel Bonds to double its annual global bond sales for 2023, surpassing the remarkable figure of $2 billion. Furthermore, it marks a historic achievement, with Israel Bonds now exceeding $50 billion in global investments since its establishment in 1951. With investments pouring in from various U.S. state and municipal governments and institutions, this remarkable show of solidarity underscores the international support for Israel during these trying times.

“This is Israel Bonds’ highest surge of investment ever, which demonstrates the strong support for Israel of the Jewish communities and Israel’s supporters in the United States and around the world,” remarked Dani Naveh, President and CEO of Israel Bonds.

Israel Bonds, officially known as the Development Corporation for Israel, is an organization that issues bonds to raise funds for the State of Israel’s economic development. These bonds, often referred to as Israel Bonds, are debt securities sold to individuals, organizations, and institutional investors with the purpose of generating financial support for Israel’s infrastructure projects, technological advancements, and economic growth.

For the past 72 years, Israel Bonds has played a crucial role in generating $50 billion worldwide, spanning all Bonds affiliates. These investments have provided financial support for the development of every sector of Israel’s economy.

Stuart Garawitz, Vice President of National Sales at Israel Bonds, highlighted the meaningful impact of these investments. “Each investment in an Israel bond provides the nation with impactful and much-needed assistance, through financial support that helps secure the future of the State of Israel and its people,” he said.

Investments in Israel bonds have come from various entities, including more than 15 U.S. state and municipal governments and institutions. Notable contributors include the State of Florida, State of New York, State of Alabama, State of Arizona, State of Ohio, State of Illinois, State of Texas, State of Oklahoma, State of Georgia, State of Nevada, State of Louisiana, State of South Carolina, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of Indiana, Broward County, Franklin County, County of Palm Beach, City of Miami Beach, KeyBank, and Cross River.

Israel’s President, Isaac Herzog, recognized the significance of this support, noting, “Jews from around the world came forward to be part of the story that is Israel. In those critical early years, Israel Bonds served as a primary organ of the Jewish people in building the basic infrastructure of our young country, and it is no surprise that it is there for us now, helping mobilize world Jewry in immediate and urgent action for the State of Israel.”

Howard L. Goldstein, Chairman of the Israel Bonds National and International Board of Directors, emphasized the enduring commitment of Israel Bonds supporters, stating, “Israel Bonds supporters across the globe have sent an unambiguous, undeniable direct message that they will continue to ramp up their own investments and new supporters of our programs for the Jewish state in these historic levels for as long as this war persists and thereafter. Our nation and people are experiencing pain and suffering like never before, but we are humbled and gather strength from their resilience and immense fortitude, ensuring all of our solidarity together.”

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