high protein food for dogs

Australian pet food company Planet A Pet Food makes high-protein food for dogs with a combination of nutritionally complete plant and insect ingredients. The brand sets itself apart by making its formulas with upcycled vegetables, insect protein and human-grade, plant-based meat.

The brand’s meatless meals for pets are aligned with the 42% of Australians who have either reduced or eliminated meat from their diets. Knowing that there’s a need for more sustainable, flexitarian options for pets, Planet A Pet Food took it upon itself to create a nourishing, meatless option for dogs powered by real ingredients.

“Even though I’m someone who embraced a vegan diet myself almost four years ago, I know that the majority of people will more readily be meat reducers… and that can still have an enormous impact,” says Amanda Falconer, founder of Planet A, “What we do for ourselves, we can do for our dogs… and as omnivores, dogs can happily and healthily enjoy at least a few vegetarian meals a week.”

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