Is IT infrastructure holding back warehouse operations?

The digital age has bought rapid technology innovation, yet many businesses have struggled to modernise their IT infrastructure. This lag can hinder growth, stifle innovation, and impact the bottom line. Recent research conducted by Manhattan Associates highlights this gap and sets out practical steps for companies looking to improve and adapt to get ahead of […]

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Global e-commerce market poised to reach $11.4 trillion by 2029, driven by alternative payment methods

A new study by Juniper Research, the foremost experts in fintech and payments markets, has found by 2029, the value of global eCommerce transactions will reach $11.4 trillion; up from $7 trillion in 2024. This substantial 63% growth will be driven by the adoption of e-commerce across emerging markets. In these regions, APMs (Alternative Payment […]

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Better human health starts with smarter supply chains

By Dan Abramson, Senior Vice President and Head of Sales at FourKites. In terms of high-value goods, it doesn’t get much more precious than the drugs and devices that support human health. From my seat on the board of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), I’ve heard leaders from the health sector emphasise the greater […]

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Digital Catapult announces that leading technology businesses to join the Made Smarter Innovation Digital Supply Chain Hub programme

Digital Catapult, has announced that leading technology businesses will join the Made Smarter Innovation Digital Supply Chain Hub programme to apply deep tech solutions to bolster the resilience of national supply chains. Each company will receive funding of up to £150,000 to address one of three supply chain challenges in cybersecurity, carbon management, and data […]

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Zebra Technologies adds new deep learning tools to Aurora machine vision software

Zebra Technologies Corporation – the digital solution provider enabling businesses to intelligently connect data, assets and people – has introduced a series of advanced AI features enhancing its Aurora machine vision software to provide deep learning capabilities for complex visual inspection use cases. Sixty-one percent of manufacturing leaders globally expect AI to drive growth by […]

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