2,200 evacuees stranded in a remote area, urgently seek assistance


2,200 individuals, forced to evacuate their homes in the Gaza Strip due to the devastating disaster carried out on October 7, have been relocated by the state to the Middle Arava region. 

These evacuees, situated between Beer Sheva and Eilat, find themselves in a remote area, isolated from shopping centers and donation centers. Consequently, they face a severe shortage of vital resources, including food, refrigerators, washing machines, and more. 

In response to this dire situation, the local community has rallied together, offering voluntary assistance to these displaced families. However, as the number of evacuees continues to rise, immediate aid is urgently needed. 

The residents are appealing for donations of dry food, water jugs, toiletries, building materials, vegetables, and dairy products. Furthermore, a significant shortfall of electrical appliances, such as washing machines, refrigerators, electric stoves, kettles, microwaves, baking ovens, toasters, children’s tablets, and cellular devices, has been identified. 

For those willing to provide support, please reach out to: Guy Naria Saleh at 050-935-8114, or Inbal and Ado Harpaz at 054-769-6770.

“Donations are greatly appreciated, but we kindly request that you schedule an appointment for sending them.”

In a message circulated yesterday, a reserve soldier stationed in a southern base captured images of overflowing cedar trees laden with good food that, regrettably, goes to waste. This is primarily due to an excess of incoming donations. Simultaneously, he highlights that there are soldiers in other areas subsisting on battle rations, and numerous families left without the necessary support.

While the soldier emphasizes the value of donations in boosting morale and offering assistance, he kindly urges that you coordinate with someone in need before sending your donations.

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