Where The Cheap Eggs? Twitter Stunned Over Grocery Prices


If you’ve been to the grocery store recently, you have have noticed that some of these prices are getting out of hand!

It turns out that, per CBS News, the price of eggs in particular has recently risen by nearly 60%. Butter also saw a major bump in price, so the inflation is definitely a widespread phenomenon.

Social Media Cuts Up About How Expensive Eggs Have Become

In response to this situation, people have been popping off online about how the grocery store’s putting a dent in their wallets—with particular emphasis on how expensive eggs have become. Some declared that

Farmer Blames Cost Increase On Supermarkets Rather Than Avian Flu

Aside from cutting up with memes, people were genuinely curious about what was going on with egg costs.

One explanation that caught traction blamed the situation on the avian flu.

However, a Welsh farmer named Ioan Humphreys took to social media to share a different explanation way back in November. While he acknowledged that there are “a lot of cases of avian flu,” the real reason for the high egg prices is that the supermarkets aren’t “won’t pay the farmers [a fair price] for the eggs.”

Specifically, Ioan says markets “haven’t filtered the price increase” on eggs down to the farmers, causing production costs to grow more expensive.

“Our cost of producing these eggs has skyrocketed…But our price of eggs has stayed the same. So we physically can’t afford to produce these eggs. So, currently, there’s been 8 million less free-range hens ordered for last year’s flocks. So that’s just under 8 million eggs every day that we’re not gonna be producing.”

Is $20 Ground Turkey Going To Be The New Normal?

Eggs aren’t the only grocery item being impacted, as cost of all sorts of provisions seems to to be skyrocketing. One viral TikTok specifically honed in on the cost of groceries in New York City, and the $20 ground turkey and $9 cereal hit particularly hard.

All in all, people agreed that the overall cost of groceries has begun to get out of control.


Roomies, what do you think about the soaring cost of groceries lately? Also, do you think it’s a bad sign of what’s to come in the future?

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