Watch: Sukkah has 14 rooms, air conditioning, a living room and study


How many rooms does your Sukkah have? A viral TikTok video from Israel showcases an impressive sukkah built by the Lapid family in Merkaz Shapira, southern Israel. This grand sukkah, designed to accommodate a large religious family, boasts 14 well-equipped rooms. Notably, the primary rooms even feature built-in air conditioning. The interior is complete with a living room and a dining area, furnished with sofas, tables, chairs, and adorned with pictures on the walls. The young man narrating the video, a member of the family, mentions specific sections such as a “singles” ward and another for married couples. The sukkah also includes a study and a separate, smaller sukkah reserved for his parents.

A sukkah is a temporary hut used during the Jewish festival of Sukkot. Decorated with branches and often featuring autumnal or Judaic themes, it represents the shelters God provided for the Israelites in the wilderness after their escape from Egypt. During Sukkot, Jews commonly eat, sleep, and spend time in the sukkah.

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