Mayman Aerospace smart drones | WordlessTech


Smart drones. Mayman Aerospace

Mayman Aerospace has revealed its new lineup of speedy, smart drones that can swiftly take off and land vertically, thanks to their jet engine propulsion system.

These drones, designed for various missions, are equipped with AI and can zip through the air at 500 mph (800 km/h), carrying almost anything all packed into a small design.

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Smart drones. Mayman Aerospace

Teaming up with Mayman Aerospace combines its Skyfield™ AI software with the nimble Razor™ VTOL aircraft. This pairing promises top-notch awareness and efficiency in the air, especially in places where GPS signals are unreliable or absent.

Mayman Aerospace smart drone (3)

Smart drones. Mayman Aerospace

Mayman Aerospace understands the importance of integrating Artificial Intelligence seamlessly into existing systems for intelligence, surveillance, navigation, and strategic operations.

Mayman Aerospace smart drone (5)

Smart drones. Mayman Aerospace

Mayman Aerospace smart drone (2)

Smart drones. Mayman Aerospace

Mayman Aerospace smart drone (1)

Smart drones. Mayman Aerospace

source Mayman Aerospace

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