Low-Carb Fruit Jams : SRSLY Low Carb

SRSLY Low Carb has announced it will be entering the jam category with two new products perfect for health-conscious consumers to incorporate into their favorite recipes or breakfast food items.

The products include the Raspberry and Mixed Berries jams, which both contain 17-calories along with 1.9-grams of sugar and 2.9-grams of net carbs per serving. Set to arrive online starting on January 23, the products will be available in the UK for £3.99 for a 190-gram jar.

Founder Andy Welch spoke on the new SRSLY Low Carb jam saying, ““Three years of pro-active ‘No Sugar’ development knowledge has helped but our customers ultimately shape the final product. Our Jam vision was to make a nearly zero-sugar alternative that mirrors a top-quality jam.”

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