Ergonomic Fatigue Reduction Wearables : German Bionic ‘Apogee’

The German Bionic ‘Apogee’ is a posture protection wearable solution for professionals that work in environments where they’re required to deal with heavy equipment or loads to help protect their body. The device works by being attached onto the back and thighs where it will go to work helping wearers reduce load weights by as much as 66-pounds. This will help drastically to reduce fatigue when continuously putting pressure on the body, while also prioritizing ergonomics.

The German Bionic ‘Apogee’ is based on the brand’s IO architecture to capture, monitor, analyze and report information on the user’s ergonomic data directly back to them. This can be performed through the onboard display or audible alerts to let them know if they are moving in unsafe ways.

Image Credit: German Bionic

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