The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published proposed proposed Environmental Protection Technical Specifications (EPTSs) applicable to gyroplanes for consultation with the affected stakeholders.
EASA proposes these EPTSs in the absence of an EU regulatory framework for the noise certification of gyroplanes. These EPTSs provide guidelines for gyroplanes manufacturers that wish to determine the noise levels of their products in accordance with a standardised method developed by EASA.
The current applicable noise requirements in Volume I of Annex 16 to the Chicago Convention, as reflected in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 (EASA Basic Regulation), do not include requirements for gyroplanes. In accordance with Article 19(1)(a) of the Basic Regulation, such detailed noise requirements for gyroplanes would need to be developed and adopted in a EU regulation.
To facilitate the comparison of technologies, the proposed EPTSs for gyroplanes are based on the following regulatory material:
- the provisions in Chapter 10 of Volume I of Annex 16 to the Chicago Convention, which apply to propeller-driven aeroplanes with a maximum take‑off mass not exceeding 8 618 kg;
- the associated evaluation method in Appendix 6 to that Volume; and
- guidance material in Volume I of ICAO Doc 9501 ‘Environmental Technical Manual’.
The procedures proposed in the EPTSs are adapted to the characteristics of gyroplanes where necessary.