EASA has completed the initial certification of ESSP SAS (European Satellite Services Provider) as pan-European Communication Services Provider for the IRIS service. This makes it the first pan-European certified service provider for datalink services, allowing for its centralised continuous oversight by EASA, streamlining these activities and thus bringing overall benefits for the Member States.
The IRIS service is an Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Service (AMS(R)S) supporting datalink communication services for operational ATN-B1/ATS-B2 Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) and ATS-B2 aircraft-to-Air Navigation Service Providers surveillance-related information (ADS-C). It is based on the Inmarsat geostationary satellite constellation. IRIS delivers high-bandwidth, cost-effective satellite-based datalink communications for global ATM modernization.
The ESSP SAS consortium for the service provision is composed of ESSP SAS, Inmarsat and SITA. The addition of other Communication Network Providers (CNPs) such as NewPENS and Collins Aerospace is expected in the coming months.