Bank of Israel Governor to speak at Jerusalem Post Annual Con


Amir Yaron, Governor of the Bank of Israel, said that the economic measures taken by the Bank at the outset of the war have succeeded in creating stability in the foreign exchange and financial markets. Yaron will be addressing the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference in New York on June 3.

“The Israeli economy has the necessary foundations to come back and prosper after the Swords of Iron War as well,” he said in his speech at the President’s residence, marking the extension of his term.

Since the beginning of the war, said Yaron, the Bank of Israel has taken immediate and ongoing steps to stabilize the markets, supporting and accompanying customers of the banking system, with an emphasis on assisting the first circle of customers directly affected by the war.

During this challenging period, the Bank of Israel has fulfilled its role as economic advisor to the government, assessing the state of the economy, providing relevant assessments and forecasts, participating in setting the budget, and maintaining ongoing contact with appropriate government officials. In addition, Governor Yaron and other senior BOI officials have represented Israel with investors and in international forums on issues for which he is responsible.

Over the years, said Yaron, the Israeli economy has exhibited the ability to recover from various crises, from the COVID-19 crisis to significant geopolitical and security events.

“The Israeli economy is fundamentally robust and it has the characteristics needed to prosper even while waging the war. However, this does not occur on its own. The policies that will be adopted to deal with the numerous difficulties will have a decisive impact on the economy’s ability to return to rapid growth,” said Yaron in the beginning of 2024

This Jerusalem Post Conference will feature strategic meetings, allowing attendees to network and share ideas with key figures in the Jewish world. CEO Inbar Ashkenazi highlighted this: “The Jerusalem Post is far more than a media group. We are the gateway between Israel and the world.”

“The theme chosen for this year’s conference, following the October 7 massacre, is ‘Israel Says Thank You,’” said Zvika Klein, Editor-in-Chief of The Jerusalem Post. Klein added that in recent months, “tens of millions of readers have been visiting The Jerusalem Post website monthly to stay informed about what is happening in Israel during the most challenging period we have known since the establishment of the state.”

The conference will be live-streamed on The Jerusalem Post’s website and social media channels, enabling a global audience to participate in these critical conversations. Last year’s event attracted over 1.6 million online views.

This article was written in cooperation with the Bank of Israel.

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