Powering tomorrow: EU invests in cutting-edge microchip tech for future AI and space applications

On 1 June 2024, a spacecraft touched down on the Moon as part of a Chinese space mission called Chang’e 6. Its goal was to study the dark side of the Moon and return lunar samples from there for the first time.  Edouard Lepape, managing director of NanoXplore, a French company that develops advanced microchips […]

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From brain maps to living bridges: the innovations set to reshape life in 2025

Whoever thinks research is not exciting might be in for a surprise. In 2025, we could witness genetic decoding of the human brain, collect solar energy in space, and walk across a bridge built of electronically controlled fungi.  Cracking the brain’s genetics with AI’s help  Detailed maps of the human brain drawn up by the […]

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Curiosity and a simple compound in soil bacteria help unlock a potential way to slow down ageing

Sometimes a seemingly minor discovery in science can snowball into something huge. So it was with Professor Michael Hall’s investigations into a compound called rapamycin, originally discovered in a handful of soil from Easter Island in the southern Pacific. In 2024, he was awarded the Balzan Prize for “groundbreaking contributions” to our understanding of the molecular […]

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Moving graphene from the lab to fab – how 2D materials could transform everyday electronics

Dr Inge Asselberghs has been closely involved in advanced graphene research over the past decade. Today, she’s at the forefront of EU-funded efforts to bring this “miracle material” out of the lab and into society. Asselberghs is part of an international team of researchers that set up a prototype manufacturing facility for graphene and other […]

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Advanced manufacturing revs up in Europe with 3D printing

If 3D printing makes good on its promise, it will fundamentally change the way things are manufactured. And it could also become everyone’s best friend. Just imagine if for any broken part in your household, you could simply make a new one with your home printer. Thanks to advances made by an EU-funded research team, […]

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