Space researchers build traffic light system to warn of dangerous solar storms

Yuri Shprits, a space scientist at the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, is on a mission to save our planet.  We have known for a long time that much of our modern way of life is threatened by the whims of the Sun. If our star suddenly enters a more active period, it […]

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Star wars: what killed the universe’s massive galaxies?

The formation of galaxies in the universe should follow a fairly simple path. It starts with small galaxies, which then grow bigger and bigger until they become the giant galaxies we see in the modern universe, like our Milky Way. Easy, right? But that is not strictly true for a particular class of elliptical galaxies […]

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Event horizon: After photographing black holes, scientists are now making a movie

A widespread misconception has long equated black holes in space with nothingness, ‘the end of everything’. But a global team of scientists, including EU-funded researchers, has managed to photograph them, discovering enough new evidence to take their probe even further.  Dutch-German astronomer and professor Heino Falcke is one of those who want to understand “the […]

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