Ardiantiono – The Applied Ecologist


Next in Journal of Applied Ecology’s series of Meet the Editors, get to know Ardiantiono – one of the mentees on our 2024 Associate Editor Mentoring Scheme.

What are you currently working on and why is it important?

Ardiantiono out in the field © Linda Fitria

My research focuses on integrating ecological and sociological information to improve wildlife conservation management. Most of my work takes place in Southeast Asian tropics, particularly Indonesia. Specifically, my work involves assessing biodiversity responses to disturbances and management practices, understanding human-wildlife interactions, and developing socio-ecological systems to inform conservation prioritisation. These fields of research are important because together they contribute to more effective conservation strategies that consider both ecological and human factors, which are essential for sustainable wildlife management and preservation.

What’s your favourite species and why?

Komodo dragons! They were the first species that I studied, making them my first love. It’s hard to explain, but they are just so fascinating! Seeing them reminds me of dinosaurs, and having the opportunity to study them in the wild and contribute to their conservation efforts is a big honour for me.

Komodo dragon © Ardiantiono

Why did you decide to apply for the Associate Editor mentoring scheme?

Journal Applied of Ecology has always been one of my favourite journals, making this mentoring scheme a perfect opportunity to be part of the team that I admire. This scheme also offers me a chance to learn about the editorial process of scientific publishing while keeping up to date with new exciting research in tropical biodiversity and conservation. Importantly, being an editor would allow me to encourage more submissions from the global south, especially in Southeast Asia region where I work.

If you could wake up tomorrow with a new skill, what would it be?

I would love to eat all food without getting full easily like Luffy from One Piece. I enjoy eating and want to try as many different foods as possible!

Outside of academia, what do you enjoy getting up to? Do you have any hobbies?

Tennis, tennis all the way! I am really into tennis these days and aspire to play as good as Roger Federer one day. As the saying goes, aim high! Oh, I also like to sleep.

© A. Khaliq

When you were growing up what did you want to be? Does this relate to your career in ecology now at all?

I wanted to become a writer. I am also a big fan of National Geographic. So, it all came full circle, as I now work with wildlife as a conservation scientist and write scientific articles!

You can learn more about our Associate Editor mentees here, as well as view our whole Editorial Board here.

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