Saudi Arabia promotes ‘appeasement and development’ in the Middle East and beyond


Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud said the world is seeing an increase in crises, and unfortunately the international community is just looking to manage them, rather than find concrete solutions.

“In this context of tensions between countries, we wish to warn against political polarization,” he said, underlining the need for dialogue and cooperation.

He said Saudi Arabia categorically rejects “all crimes perpetrated by Israel against the kindred Palestinian people”, with the war in Gaza representing just the latest chapter in their suffering.

Last November, the kingdom hosted the joint Arab-Islamic Summit on the crisis and works “to adopt resolutions and decisions that reflect the will of Arab and Muslim people and to stop the bloodshed, ensure unhindered humanitarian access, and realize the legitimate demands of the Palestinian people – in particular, the creation of an independent State.”

Saudi Arabia therefore welcomed the 10 May 2024 adoption of a UN General Assembly resolution which said that the State of Palestine fulfills the conditions to become a UN Member State.

Prince Faisal said his country has provided more than $5 billion to aid the Palestinian people since the start of the war in Gaza last October, and it is working with international and UN aid agencies to bring $106 billion in humanitarian projects. Some $106 billion in services, food, medications and other needs is being provided together with the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

He stressed that it is essential to find a fair solution to the Palestinian crisis, adding that “the prevalence of impunity, the lack of respect of legal obligations, is encouraging Israel to continue its escalation.”

Turning to the wider region, he said that Saudia Arabia has taken measures towards ensuring “appeasement and development”, such as concluding an agreement with Iran on restoring diplomatic relations.

“We hope that Iran will cooperate with the international community, in particular, vis-à-vis its nuclear programme and its ballistic missile programme,” he added.

The kingdom has resumed relations with war-ravaged Syria to strengthen cooperation on common issues “because we are convinced that finding a solution to this crisis will enable us to entrench peace and stability in our region,” he continued.

Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is supporting all efforts towards a solution to the crisis in Yemen and in the Red Sea, where attacks launched by Houthi rebels in the country are threatening international shipping.

“In Sudan, we reaffirm our staunch position to preserve peace and stability”, he said. Engagement has included hosting peace talks in Jeddah, with a third round in the works.

Meanwhile, “Afghanistan cannot be left by the waysides of its region and the international community, or be a prey to terrorists,” he said.

“That’s why it’s necessary to put an end to the humanitarian and security situation in Afghanistan that is providing fertile ground to different groups and militias to continue their activities.”

The Foreign Minister said the international community must bring an end to “the Russian-Ukrainian crisis” and the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince is continuing efforts in this regard.

“We have announced the freeing of several prisoners of different nationalities. We hosted a meeting of different officials from different countries, with the participation of several different States and international organizations. We stand ready to continue our mediation efforts between the parties to the conflict,” he said.

Click here for the statement (in Arabic).

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