Israel Energy Tech Landscape Map 2024 shows leading companies in tech


Startup Nation Central, Ignite the Spark, and the Israel Export Institute have introduced the Israel Energy Tech Landscape Map 2024. This map, launched in Tel Aviv, highlights over 160 leading companies within Israel’s energy tech sector, out of a total of more than 300 firms.

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The map reveals significant investments in the sector, with $403 million raised over the past year in 54 funding rounds. Eleven of these rounds exceeded $10 million, including the largest at $105 million. Early stage and growth companies make up 60% of the ecosystem, while 40% are in late stage or mature phases. Interestingly, 70% of these companies were founded in the past decade, with 10 new companies emerging in the last year.

Designed to attract global investors and multinational corporations, the map aims to showcase Israel’s innovative solutions to energy challenges and decarbonization goals.

The map categorizes the energy tech sector into eight key areas: generation (renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydropower), storage (advanced systems including electrochemical batteries and thermal storage), behind the meter (consumer-based technologies such as electric vehicles and smart buildings), transmission and distribution (technologies like digital twin-monitored grids), hydrogen (clean energy applications), OT cyber (cybersecurity for operational technology systems), carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS), and Waste2X (converting waste into energy).

Alon Turkaspa, agrifood tech and climate tech sector lead at Startup Nation Central, emphasized Israel’s vital role in global energy innovation, saying, “Israeli entrepreneurs are delivering cutting-edge solutions to disrupt all verticals of the new energy value chain.”

INVESTING IN renewable energies: World’s first patented floating solar energy system with adjustable panels, amde by Israeli hi-tech company Xfloat, at the Golan Height’s Tzur water reservoir, April 10. (credit: MICHAL GILADI/FLASH90)

CEOs applaud the map

Shon Dana, CEO of Ignite the Spark, highlighted the sector’s resilience and commitment to innovation, while Lior Gaon, head of the cleantech and smart infrastructure sector at the Israel Export Institute, underscored the organization’s dedication to promoting Israeli technologies globally and supporting the growth of the energy tech sector.

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